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Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Read online

Page 4

  She pushed back on him, muttering, “Mmm. Nice. I like that.”

  He grinned. Violet was as pushy as ever, but this time, he was in control. She didn’t know he was a Dom, and even though she wasn’t handcuffed to the bed—yet—the power was in his hands. There’d be no orgasm for her until he decided that the time was right. And now wasn’t the right time. “You need to be prepared properly or this will hurt instead of being fun.”

  “But a small amount of hurt might be fun as well.”

  He lifted his head quickly and stared at her flushed face in the mirror. Well, well, well. She might be a submissive after all. Although undoubtedly she’d be a pushy submissive. He could work with that.

  He spanked her ass, firmly but not with his full strength. “You like the idea of a little pain, do you?”

  “Not broken bones kind of pain. I broke my arm once and it hurt like hell. But a few bruises? Maybe.”

  Damn. The thought of her tied up and at his mercy to drive her crazy with lust had his dick harder than ever. He was aware of Raff moving aside, but was intent on finishing preparing her ass and didn’t turn to look where he’d gone. But Raff reappeared with a six-strand flogger with a dildo as a handle, and a paddle with an embossed heart on it. “Great minds think alike.” He took the paddle, stood up straight, and paddled her ass six times, then stepped back. Her flesh was pink but the six hearts marking her skin were quite clear. Gently he stroked over her ass, running a finger over the line of the images, before coating his hand again with warming ointment and sliding two fingers deep into her ass and fucking her fast and hard.

  She remained leaning against the mirror, but she was almost crying as she begged, “I’m ready. I’m ready. For fuck’s sake let’s do it now.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and spread his legs wide, trying to give his aching dick some space. “Shall we let our pushy woman have her way with us?” he asked Raff.

  Raff waved the flogger. “I guess so. We can always use this later.”

  Darcy picked her up and laid her on her back on the bed. “Maybe you could tease her with it some now, while I get undressed.” It didn’t take him long to strip out of his clothing, but it was a good idea to keep her mind occupied all the time. If he ever took her into a dungeon he would make her wait between activities. But that would be so that she could imagine what he might do to her next. Tonight was different. Tonight he wanted her constantly aware that there were two of them. That she had the two men she’d asked for in her bed, and that two men were way better than one could ever be.

  Up until she’d spoken, he’d been highly aware of her as a beautiful woman. But that was all. The moment she’d mentioned sex, that had been at the front of his mind and ever since all he could think of was fucking her over and over again. She had exactly the kind of body he liked. Rounded with curves, but still healthy and energetic looking. He supposed that came from riding her horses. But now she could ride him and the cowboy instead.

  “Save a horse. Ride a cowboy,” he said.



  “While Raff takes off his jeans, why don’t you pick out a condom for him and then climb aboard him, cowgirl?”

  * * * *

  Raff lay flat on his back, scarcely daring to breathe. The beautiful woman he had lusted after from the moment he’d first seen her at the horse shelter months ago straddled his hips and riffled through the pile of condoms on the nightstand. They were all in the most outlandish of colors—red, purple, bright green. There wasn’t a flesh-colored one among them as far as he could see.

  He was still almost in shock that this stunning woman had been willing to consider inviting him into her bed along with the muscular builder. Darcy he could understand. The man owned his own business and from what Raff had seen, he was doing well. The work his crew produced was really good, and there was no waste time in their working days, yet the men laughed and joked as they hammered and sawed.

  One of the men in the crew was even nicknamed Hammer, presumably after his skill with that particular tool. They all worked hard, but the renovations they’d completed looked damn good.

  And him? He was just a broke nobody now. The lowliest laborer on the team. The guy who took out the trash, swept up the mess, and fetched coffee for everyone. But seeing strong, straight new walls rise where pockmarked drooping misaligned drywall had once stood, was strangely satisfying. Raff could picture himself painting those walls and standing back to admire the new rooms as they were finished.

  But as far as he could see, he had nothing to recommend him to a woman. No money, no position, no power. Not even a career. Once upon a time he’d had all those things. And he’d had plenty of beautiful women willing to jump into bed with him as well. But it had meant nothing to him. All those eighteen-hour days and seven-day weeks. All those hours and hours of smart-talking his way to the top of the ladder in his former career meant nothing to him now. The life he’d walked away from was meaningless and he was never going back.

  However, he still couldn’t imagine why Violet was willing to consider him. Well, he had the answer to that. He was going to love her so thoroughly, bring her to so many orgasms, she would want him in her bed again. Preferably tomorrow.

  He watched her long, slender fingers roll an acid-yellow condom over his cock, and then gripped her hips to hold her still. “Are you ready to ride this cowboy?”

  Gently she cupped his balls and played with them, just about making his eyes cross with lust. “Hell yes.”

  She settled herself more carefully and then held his dick at her pussy entry. He kept a hold of her hips as she lifted up and then he was inside her. She was tight, very tight, but also very wet, so he slid inside her smoothly until he was balls-deep in her. She was also hot, gripping him firmly and almost sending him mad with lust. He couldn’t ever remember anyone who fit him so well, who’d held him so perfectly, and who’d looked so beautiful sitting on his hips.

  Raff couldn’t help himself. He pulled her body down onto his and kissed her. The moment he licked along the seam of her lips, she opened for him and his tongue was inside her mouth. Gently he teased and tasted her, relishing the spicy tex-mex dish she’d eaten as well as the coffee they’d all shared. But she was more than the sum of those flavors, much more. She was perfection, ambrosia. Everything he’d ever wanted in a woman.

  He opened his eyes again and paid attention to Darcy, who’d positioned himself on the bed at their feet. Raff used his knees to widen Violet’s legs, aiming to help Darcy, but it incidentally let him slide a faction deeper into her. Double bonus!

  Raff had never shared a woman with another man before. Up until now, when it came to actual sex, it’d always been just him and one woman alone in a room. Although at some parties he’d been to, other couples or ménages had gotten down and dirty in public. But this was his first ménage and he was glad Darcy was taking the lead and seemed to know exactly what to do. That was another hint to him that maybe the wolf was a Dom. Whether he was or not, Raff was glad the man had the right skills because Raff was working on instinct and a few unexpected glimpses of other people at rather wild parties late at night.

  Raff closed his eyes again and dropped some kisses onto the top of Violet’s head. Her face was pressed into his shoulder, her little nose rubbing up and down on his skin in a strangely sexy movement. One hand held her back firmly against him, so Darcy could grip her hips and move her as he needed to slide his cock into her ass. She was so tight Raff wasn’t even sure this would work, but Darcy wiggled and rocked his way inside her while Raff stayed as still as he could, waiting until they were all ready.

  Violet was murmuring and wiggling a little, but they were pleased noises, so he knew she was still onboard with the program. Right now he was pretty sure he couldn’t have stopped if she wanted to. His dick was huge and hard, and every cell in his body was screaming at him to begin fucking her. But he remained still, waiting for the perfect time.

  Darcy tapp
ed his shoulder and he opened his eyes to stare into the wolf’s dark brown gaze so close to him, separated only by Violet’s luscious body. Sweat beaded Darcy’s brow and he guessed likely he was the same with the tension of holding his cock in place, waiting for the right timing.

  “You first.” The wolf’s voice was tight, and for a moment Raff wondered what he meant, but then he understood and slowly began to withdraw his cock from the heat of Violet’s body. When only the top of his cock remained inside her, he paused and Darcy nodded. Raff began sliding back into her cunt and Darcy began pulling his cock out. Okay, now Raff had the complete picture. All he had to do was keep pace with Darcy, always doing the opposite of what he was doing. That wasn’t so hard. Except that his entire body was on fire with the need to pound into her until they all came to a screaming release.

  But he wouldn’t do that. She was a very special woman, his beautiful woman, and he wanted this to be a very special night for her. Raff settled into the rhythm and was able to pet and stroke her hair and face with one hand as he slowly thrust in and out of her hot body.

  * * * *

  Violet thought she’d known what to expect. Two big cocks filling her ass and her cunt until she was almost bursting trying to hold them both. Check. Two big men wrapping her in their arms and holding her close to their hard bodies. Check. An A-grade orgasm. That was coming. She could feel it drawing tighter and tighter deep in her core.

  But what she hadn’t expected was the sheer physicality of being in bed with two men. Two men made everything twice as sharp, twice as intense. The feel of them against her skin was different. Both men were hard and muscular but Darcy had a more demanding touch, whereas Raff’s was gentler. The way they smelled and held her were different, too. Even though this was the very first time either of them had touched her, Violet was certain she’d always know which of them was which from now on simply by their touch and their scent.

  Her face was tucked against Raff’s shoulder, and Darcy’s body covered her as her own body covered Raff’s. Right now she was the filling in a man sandwich and she loved every second of it.

  The men were pumping in and out of her cunt and her ass faster now. At the start they’d surprised her by how incredibly slowly they were moving. Actually, she’d been surprised at them fucking her with opposing strokes instead of coordinated ones, too. But what they were doing was so incredibly awesome she was more than happy with their style and their system. Hot damn, she was aroused.

  But then again, that trick with the mirrors had blown her mind as soon as they’d undressed her. And seeing them naked was wonderful. Oh, yes, the entire evening was perfect, and the orgasm they were giving her, the one that she could no longer ignore, was going to be the best ever. She already knew that.

  Violet tried to wiggle, to edge their cocks to just the perfect place inside her, but Darcy was holding her much too tightly now. She knew she should be able to grip their cocks with her internal muscles but she couldn’t think, couldn’t plan, could scarcely even find enough strength to breathe anymore. They were pounding in and out of her, thrusting deep and hard, alternately filling and emptying her body with their amazing cocks so fast now all she could do was hold onto Raff and wait for her body to explode which was going to happen any moment.

  The spring inside her that was winding tighter and tighter broke, and the orgasm blasted from her core, leaving her shaking and replete. “Wow,” she whispered, finding it hard to form even a one-syllable word.

  And then the two men slammed into her again and she felt bursts of heat deep inside her and a strong aftershock raced through her, leaving her brain spinning. Well, she thought it was an aftershock. It was better than some orgasms she’d had in the past.

  Violet closed her eyes and lay limp and satiated. She needed a shower. Her body was coated with sweat, mostly from the men. No, what she really need was a little nap. Darcy lifted off her back and Raff continued to hold her, and then Darcy returned and Raff rolled her into Darcy’s arms. Hmm. That was a real benefit of having two men.

  A short time later Darcy pulled her upright. “Come along. We all need a shower.”

  That was true. She stumbled to her feet and let him lead her into the bathroom and push her into the shower. She washed herself quickly, realizing the men would want to take showers as well. As she stepped out, her brain beginning to function again, she noticed the huge claw-footed tub in the room.

  “That’s amazing. I haven’t seen one of those in ages.”

  Why don’t you climb in and start the water running? We’ll join you in a few minutes,” said Darcy.

  “All three of us? It’s big but so are both of you.”

  “We can try it out and see if it works,” said Raff.

  Darcy was already in the shower. Typical. He’s given his instructions and just expects everyone will follow them. I guess that’s how it is with his business.

  Well, she was first so Violet climbed into the huge tub. It was so long that even lying right down her feet didn’t reach the other end. She stretched out and relaxed as the warm water began to cover her body. Darcy climbed in and lifted her up, sitting behind her, with her nestled between his legs. Finally Raff joined them, sitting facing them at the other end, his legs outside Darcy’s.

  “How high do you want the water?” Raff asked her.

  “You’d better turn it off three or four inches below the lip of the tub or else we’ll flood the floor every time one of us moves.”

  “There’s a simple solution to that. We won’t move,” he said, but he turned the faucets off exactly when she’d said.

  “Tell us about yourself, Violet,” asked Darcy.

  She looked at Raff and he was smiling encouragingly at her. “I’ve always lived with my grandfather. Both my parents died when I was very young. But I was brought up with a crowd of cousins so I never felt lonely or lacking in playmates. I guess many people would say I was a spoiled brat.”

  She paused, wondering what else to tell them. “I chose the subjects I wanted to do at school. There’s a heap of family already running Grandpop’s companies so I didn’t feel any pressure to study business, or accounting, or any of those things. So I did English literature, American literature, history, geography, all the things that I was interested in. Fun subjects rather than ones leading to employment. I love horses and I love reading. Getting my own land and Princess and Pedro is the fulfillment of a long-time dream.”

  “Even though you can’t actually live in the house yet?” asked Darcy.

  She wondered if he was trying to nudge her to go back to her grandpop’s house until the renovation was finished.

  “Being able to see Princess and Pedro every day is far more important to me than running water,” she said firmly.

  Raff laughed. “Says she who has just taken a shower and is now lying up to her neck in running water.”

  “Well, there is that, I guess.”

  She thought this was a good time to shift the conversation away from herself. “What about you, Raff?” There was no way she was going to let him know what her grandfather had told her.

  “I’m the only son of a perfectionist father. I was driven to do well at school. To get top grades, to excel at sports. My mother thought a son ought to be guided by his father so never interfered in what my dad wanted for me, and my grandparents lived interstate so I saw them maybe twice when I was growing up.”

  Raff looked down at the water and Violet waited for whatever he’d say next. “I took my degree and got a good job and worked all day every day for years. Then I decided I absolutely hated it and was miserably unhappy. I’ve always loved working with horses and being outside. My happiest memories were of me with the horses at the riding school where I worked weekends and every vacation. I’m not an indoors kind of person at all. So I’ve been a cowboy ever since, up until just now when I began working for Darcy.”

  “Do you think one day you’ll go back to the corporate world?” she asked. He hadn’t actually said corp
orate. He’d said indoors. Hopefully he wouldn’t notice her tiny slip.

  “I suppose to say never it’s a bit like asking fate to bite me on the ass. But it’s not what I want or what I expect will happen.”

  “Good answer.” He’d answered from the heart, yet done his best to explain himself.

  “And you, Darcy?”

  Chapter Four

  Darcy hadn’t expected Violet to be quite so quick to shift the focus off herself and onto Raff and himself. But that was all right. This night was designed to please her and one night in bed with her wasn’t going to be nearly enough. Already just holding her lightly in the tub was making his dick stand up again and him think naughty thoughts. Some conversation might help him get it back under control again.

  “I’ve always loved making things. I made a bookshelf when I was so young, I didn’t even realize the sides needed to be the same length so the books ended up on a slope. But I persevered and hammered away and finished it. Then I put all my books and toys on it anyway.”

  “What did your family say when you did that? My father would have had a fit if I’d touched his tools,” said Raff.

  “I think my dad felt a bit guilty for not explaining about measuring and suchlike to me. He just handed over some scrap lumber to me when I asked for it and let me be. I don’t think anyone guessed what I planned to do. But I’d decided I wanted a shelf for my things and was I convinced I could make it myself.” Darcy shrugged.

  “I like being in charge and making my own decisions, so founding Nelson’s Building and Home Maintenance was the logical next step.”

  “Do you see yourself as one day being like grandpop with a number of companies?” Violet asked him.

  “Like Raff said, it’s not wise to say never, but I don’t see myself letting the company grow beyond two or three different crews. I like the idea of knowing all my workers personally and thoroughly, and working beside them on the renovations. I already have a virtual assistant to help out with the paperwork, and an accountant who files my taxes and suchlike. I don’t want to end up in an office doing paperwork all day long. I’d much prefer to be on site working with my team. If the company gets too big that can’t happen. Already some days I have to spend a couple hours on paperwork even with a virtual assistant.”


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