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Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Read online

Page 3

  Violet worked as an administrative assistant in the office of an erotic romance publisher. Her best friend and coworker, Phoenix, had told her about this house and land being for sale. Phoenix was living with two men on the farm that backed onto this one. The men had been worried the land would be sold to a developer who would build apartments there, ruining their privacy. She could understand that. Two men living with one woman needed some privacy. To someone who worked for an erotic romance publisher, a ménage seemed a perfectly reasonable relationship. But the world wouldn’t necessarily see it that way.

  Violet had been looking for land so she could own horses for a long time. This property suited her just fine and the price hadn’t been unreasonable. Her grandfather wouldn’t have agreed to the purchase of it otherwise. Maybe they’d paid a little more than they should have, but that was fair. She’d been unable to find a place big enough for her to have horses, so clearly big allotments of land on the outskirts of Richmond were hard to find, and paying a small premium for one was a sensible business decision.

  Besides, once she’d seen Darcy the builder and Raphael her cowboy, Violet was starting to think she might like to get up close and personal with two men herself. She’d never had a ménage before, but she’d read plenty of books and could see the idea working for her. At least for a little fling. Especially while they were both around her farm all the time during the renovations.

  But only if the two men got along together. She didn’t plan on them sulking and pouting or worse still, fighting over her. She wanted two men at once. A real ménage. Well, she thought she did. They both were truly yummy and seemed genuinely nice as well. She’d be exploring that idea a whole lot more real soon.

  The only problem was how to organize it. Raphael came early in the morning before going to work at the horse shelter. She thought the builders might start work quite early as well, but likely they’d also finish fairly early before she got home to talk to Darcy. Maybe she’d better book a vacation day so she could be here all day to time everything. Although what if she picked a day they didn’t come? Or only one of them came. Damn. Perhaps she’d just stay late and if they were both here simultaneously she’d see what happened and call in late for personal business. Very personal business.

  But to her surprise when she got home, the front door was wide open and the sound of hammering and sawing were to be heard. Half a dozen vehicles were pulled up in her yard, including Raphael’s. She inched her way between them and parked right outside the barn, then walked into the house wanting to see what had changed.

  Wow! The kitchen pretty much wasn’t there anymore. The sink and cupboards had been ripped out. The horrible old wall tiles were gone, and the shiny new piping and electrical wires told her the plumber and electrician had been working hard. The room looked twice as large and so much brighter.

  Watching where she stepped, Violet walked through the kitchen glancing into the laundry, which was untouched as yet, and the small room, which was also untouched, and out into the hallway. The noise seemed to be coming from upstairs. There were two bathrooms up there, an en suite to the main bedroom, and a family bathroom between the other two bedrooms. She guessed that was where everyone was working.

  Violet tiptoed outside, grabbed some carrots from her stash in the barn, and went to visit with Princess and Pedro. Fortunately they didn’t seem to be worried by what was going on, and greeted her as warmly as usual. “I suppose you got used to noise at the horse shelter. But this is your home. As soon as there’s somewhere safe for me to sleep inside, the men will be building you a couple of stalls in the barn for winter time.”

  The noise in the house gradually stopped, and then two men came out and jumped into trucks before leaving. Violet stayed with the horses, but turned to face her house. She was going to speak to both Darcy and Raphael when they came out. Or if one came first, keep him with her until the other one appeared. She’d spent all day trying to decide what to say to them. Likely “Let’s have a ménage fuck” wouldn’t go down too well. She still wasn’t sure exactly what she’d say. But she hoped the right words came to her at the crucial time. And that the men weren’t horrified. Especially that they didn’t quit the renovation because of it. But this was her one big chance. She planned to use it.

  Chapter Three

  Raff took one final wheelbarrow load of trash outside and emptied it into the giant dumpster Darcy had rented. He left the wheelbarrow in the living room over near the wall where hopefully no one would walk into it.

  Darcy was waiting at the back door to see him. Cam and Hammer were just driving away from the worksite.

  “You’re doing well. You fit right in with the team. How wedded to that job with the animal shelter are you?”

  Raff’s heart beat faster. Inside he was as tense as he’d ever been when he hoped to close a big deal. “I like horses, but I also like to eat. Are you able to offer me full-time work?”

  “Absolutely. Five days with the possibility of overtime on Saturdays when we’re busy. Four weeks annual leave by negotiation. I can’t have half the team off at once.”

  “That’s more than fair. I’d like that very much.”

  Darcy stretched out his big hand and Raff shook it firmly. Tension and worry he hadn’t realized he was carrying rolled off him, leaving him feeling as free and easy as when he’d first left his job and headed south.

  Raff smiled. “Thank you. I like working for you and your crew.”

  “You mightn’t like it so much when we’re working an hour the other side of town and you have to come here and feed these horses first!”

  “I’ll cope.” He wasn’t going to mention all the years he’d gotten by on four hours sleep a night. Besides, he’d become used to sleeping seven hours now and liked it much better. But every now and then, if necessary, yeah, he’d manage.

  “Such a beautiful woman,” he said, staring at Ms. Cambrisi and hardly aware he’d spoken. Almost as if she’d heard him she started walking toward them.

  “She’s beautiful all right, but pushy,” the builder replied very softly as she approached.

  She stopped right in front of them, almost as if daring them to brush past her and leave. She took a deep breath and he realized she was worried about something. Raff wondered if there was something about the renovation she didn’t like. But if so, why hadn’t she asked Darcy to step aside so she could speak to him privately? Unless—ah fuck. Had he done something wrong? Something to upset her? He wanted to apologize, to tell her he never meant to hurt her, that he cared about her, but managed to keep his lips pressed tightly together and say nothing. First she had to tell him what he’d done to offend her.

  “Do either of you know where I work?” she asked.

  Raff just stared at her. What did it matter where she worked? Oh, unless it was with the governor or the mayor or something. Was she going to have him thrown out of town?

  “No, ma’am,” said Darcy.

  “There’s no need to ma’am me. My name is Violet.”

  “Where do you work, Violet?” he asked. He wanted the guillotine to fall on his neck fast while he could still act like a man and not like a crybaby at the thought that he might never see her again.

  “I work for an erotic romance publisher and I read a lot of their books.”

  Now he really didn’t understand what she was driving at. He sensed Darcy stiffen beside him and wondered if it was something to do with Darcy being a shape-shifter. But what did that have to do with him? He’d never told anyone that he knew, or even that he could distinguish shape-shifters from humans, a skill he’d picked up in Arkansas on his travels.

  She moved even closer to them now, her feet almost touching his and Darcy’s. “I read ménage books. Two men with one woman. I want to do that with you two men. Both of you and me.”

  “You want us both to have sex with you?” he asked, his voice sounding shrill.

  “I told you she was pushy.” Darcy’s voice had an undertone of laughter.
r />   “I’m not at all pushy when I get what I want. And I want you both.”

  Raff’s dick was very interested in the idea. Hell, he’d been lusting after her from the moment he saw her. But what would happen after tonight? And where would they go. His one-room apartment was no use and neither was this building with no running water and no beds either.

  “If we do this we do it my way,” said Darcy.

  “What’s your way?” she asked.

  “Oh, we’ll both fuck you. You don’t need to worry about that. You must see the effect you have on us both. But we’ll all go home and shower and get tidied. I’ll book us a table for a meal in the Stage Lounge and a room upstairs afterward at The Dom’s Dungeon. Okay?”

  Raff wasn’t sure how he’d pay for his share but eating was nowhere near as interesting as going to bed with Violet. “Okay.”

  “At what time?” asked Violet.

  “Say ninety minutes. That should be long enough to shower and get there.”

  “I’ll see you there.” Violet walked across to her car, climbed in, and was gone.

  “The rooms come with condoms and lube. And toys,” said Darcy.

  “I guess you’ve been there before.” Yes, now that he thought about it the man did have a bit of an aura of a Dom about him.

  Darcy went over and locked the backdoor of the house as Raff climbed into his old truck, wondering what he was going to wear. No longer did he have a closet full of business suits and a tux on hand for special occasions. He was a cowboy now. Jeans would have to do. Clean ones, of course.

  * * * *

  Violet was excited that her plan had worked. But when she got home she had no idea what to wear. Flirty and sexy? Understated? High heels? Jeans, dress pants, or a dress? All the time she was showering and while she shampooed and conditioned her hair, she tried to decide what to wear and came up with a blank. Finally she dressed in her newest bra and panties set and let them choose for her. They were a deep blue so she wore a deep blue velvet dress that matched them and medium high heels.

  Even with all the fussing and fiddling, she was still in the lobby of The Dom’s Dungeon at least five minutes early. She smiled and walked across to Rafael. His hair was still damp from his shower and he was wearing jeans again and he’d polished his boots. Or maybe these were a different pair of boots. It wasn’t like she’d spent much time staring at his footwear. She was more interested in his attractive face and body.

  The look he gave her sent her pulses pounding. He was absolutely delicious. She was already planning to run her fingers through his slightly too long hair.

  “That’s a lovely dress, Violet.”

  “You’re very handsome, too, Raphael.”

  “If I’m to call you Violet, you’d better call me Raff.

  “Raff. That suits you.”

  She sensed, more than heard, Darcy come up behind them. “Shall we go in?”

  Violet shivered. She couldn’t wait for them to go in. In more ways than one.

  The meal and the stage show passed in an absolute blur. Her eyes were watching the show, and her mouth was talking to her companions, but her brain was totally fried with the thought that her gamble had paid off and these two wonderful men were about to take her to bed. Her wildest dream ever was about to come true, and this would be a night to remember forever.

  She appreciated that the men were taking the time to make the whole evening special for her, not just moving straight to the bedroom, fucking her and leaving again. They were good men, caring people. But she already knew that from the way Raff looked after Princess and Pedro, and the way Darcy was ensuring the renovations to her house were done thoroughly.

  By the time they finally walked over to the elevator and took it up to their room, Violet was almost a puddle of lust. Her friend Phoenix had been here several times. The company they both worked for planned to add a tour of the club to its next convention itinerary. But Violet had never heard her talk about the private bedrooms. When Darcy ushered her inside she gasped. There was an entire wall of mirrors, clearly designed so that people could watch themselves making love.

  “Hot damn.”

  Raff’s hands rested on her shoulders. “Does that make you feel hot?” he asked.


  “Why don’t you take off your clothes then? That might cool you down before Raff and I heat you up again.”

  Violet was pretty sure she wouldn’t be cooling down any time soon around these men, but she was perfectly happy to get undressed. That was what they were all here for after all. “Are you both going to strip as well?”

  “You’re a very pushy woman,” said Darcy.

  “Huh? You’re the one telling me to get undressed.”

  Raff laughed but he was unlacing his boots as he did, so Violet wiggled until she could unzip her dress. She laid it over a chair and then stopped to look at the men. Darcy was still fully dressed, but Raff was only wearing his jeans. He had a very nice body. Rock-hard abs from all that work with horses and tanned forearms with muscles all the way to and including his shoulders. Yum, yum, yum.

  Darcy turned her to face the mirror and pushed her legs wide apart, using his feet to hold them there. “Why don’t you touch her, Raff, and let’s see what turns her on.”

  Violet wanted to say just being in this room with them both was turning her on, but she couldn’t make her mouth work. She watched, chest heaving, as Raff stood to the side of her, so her body was still fully displayed in the mirror, and gently pushed one edge of her bra up until her nipple was exposed. He rubbed a single finger over it, teasing the bud, then circling the areola. When the nipple was a hard aching point, he licked his finger and drew a damp line down her sternum as far as her bellybutton.

  Raff kneeled down and dipped his tongue into the little hollow, nibbling the edges of her bellybutton. She reached out and grasped his hair, letting the soft strands flow between her fingers. Her gaze was on his head until Darcy pinched her nipple and she gasped, wrenching her gaze back to where he pulled at the nub.

  They moved so slowly it seemed to take them a million years to gradually remove her bra and then her panties and finally she stood naked in front of the mirror. Before she could start to worry if her belly was looking a bit flabby, Darcy said, “Now stand against the mirror, your legs wide apart and bracing yourself on your hands.”

  She looked at his eyes in the mirror, but there was no explanation in them, so she did as he said. How will this show me anything? I’m blocking the view in the mirror from myself.

  She heard his steps disappearing and angled her head so she could see him in the mirror. Raff was standing silently beside her but Darcy had opened the bathroom door. Now she realized she was in a direct line with the bathroom door and also with a mirror on the bathroom wall. She could see herself in the bathroom mirror. Violet looked directly into the bedroom mirror that she was leaning on and now she understood. Her front was reflected in the mirror in the bedroom and her back was displayed in the bathroom mirror.

  “Some architect put a lot of work into getting these mirrors placed just right,” she said.

  “And we’re about to reap the benefits.” Darcy grinned at her. “Have you ever had anal sex before?”

  “It’s been a long time.” Actually, it’d been quite a while, since she’d had any sex at all but the two men didn’t need to know that.

  “But that’s what you want, isn’t it? Both of us together, you said,” asked Raff.

  She nodded. Yes, that’s what she meant. She hadn’t meant sucking one and fucking one. She’d meant both of them inside her. Double penetration. That was the experience she craved.

  * * * *

  Darcy had deliberately asked for this room. Bringing her to the BDSM club was a calculated risk. Just because she worked for an erotic romance publisher didn’t mean she liked kink. Maybe she only worked there to prove her independence from her grandfather. After all, the old man had a huge number of descendents. The Cambrisi family was larg
e and had extended its tentacles, via marriage, into what seemed at times to be approaching half the families in Richmond. Likely that was an exaggeration, but maybe Violet, pushy woman that she was, only worked for a company like that to flip the bird at the older members of her family.

  However, she hadn’t hesitated to come here tonight, and the whole idea of ménage sex had been totally hers. His job was just to ensure that she enjoyed it so much that she wanted to fuck him again. Well, if she had her heart set on two men, make that fuck them again.

  Raff seemed a good enough man. He certainly worked hard and got on well with Darcy’s crew. Darcy’s team was important to him and he’d have kicked the cowboy to the curb real fast if he’d upset any of the regular workers, but he fit right in just fine.

  Darcy opened the nightstand which he knew would be stocked with everything he could possibly want. He took out a handful of brightly colored condoms, wondering idly if Violet would prefer red or purple, and then a jar of warming lube. This would set her on fire if he did it right. He kneeled behind her and scooped the ointment over his fingers before very lightly rubbing the ring of her rosette. Violet shivered and widened her stance. Okay, she wanted this. Good.

  Raff hunkered down beside him and began stroking her foot. That was a good idea. She needed to remember there were two men here all the time. The more Raff distracted her, the easier his job would be to open her and get her ready.

  Darcy massaged the tight ring of muscles some more, and then scooped more lube and slid his index finger inside her, gently pressing and stretching the opening.

  Violet sighed, but it was a warm, pleased sound. Darcy flicked his gaze up to the mirror and saw Raff had moved and was stroking her ribs. All good. He focused on her ass, massaging and stretching it, filling the entry with the warming lube as he softened her tissues to make a pathway for his cock. His cock that was pushing hard against the front of his jeans, trying desperately to get into Violet already.


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