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Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 8

  “We’ll come with you and help you. Besides, on an airplane you can’t take much luggage. If we all go up with empty suitcases you’ll be able to bring a lot more things home with you if you want to,” said Violet.

  Home. Yes. This place was home now. New York was not.

  * * * *

  Violet woke up and knew immediately where she was. In bed at The Dom’s Dungeon with Raff and Darcy. Even without opening her eyes she knew the heavy arm resting over her hip was Darcy and the warm feet tangled with hers was Raff. Her eyes blinked open to a cloud of blond hair on the pillow near her nose. Yes, that was Raff. His hair was almost long enough to tie back, but she liked the way he let it flop over his forehead and hang on his collar. It suited his cowboy image.

  She was also ready to play again. They didn’t need to leave for brunch until almost eleven, and likely they would have to check out of this room by then anyway. They’d talked for a long time last night, but she was certain it wasn’t more than nine now. Maybe only eight thirty, so there was time to play before they needed to get ready to leave. And this time she’d be the one in control.

  Violet sat up slowly, without making a lot of movement in the bed, and brushed the blankets off the men. Darcy’s arms and entire chest were tanned, indicating he must work bare chested sometimes in the summer. His forearms were darker than his upper arms, but nowhere was his upper body pale. He was very strong-looking indeed, his arms and thighs corded with muscles.

  Raff was just an inch or two shorter than Darcy, and leaner and paler. His upper body was tanned as well, but not as darkly as Darcy. Possibly because his natural skin color was paler. His muscles were taut lines in his arms and legs rather than bulky like Darcy’s. And he had a long thin scar above his left knee. She wondered if that was from his cowboy work or not.

  Gently she trailed her hands over first one chest, and then the other, learning what their muscles felt like, their similarities and differences. She spent a long time staring at their cocks, memorizing every little detail about them, right down to the fact that Darcy’s was longer but Raff’s balls were bigger and heavier. Also Raff’s hair there was darker than on his head, telling her the sun had bleached his head hair because there was no sign of the roots being a different color from the rest.

  “Are you just going to look all day, or are we going to get some action?” asked Raff.

  “You both made me wait. It only seems fair to do the same to you.”

  “Not in my opinion.” Raff picked her up and turned her around so her cunt was at his mouth. His tongue licked out over her clit and she moaned. But two could play at that game. She rolled his balls in one hand and held his cock to her mouth with the other. And then, everything he did to her, she mirrored on him. When he thrust his tongue inside her pussy, she dipped the tip of hers in the eye of his cock and licked up a bead of pre-cum. His next trick was to nibble on her labia so she licked the shaft of his cock and nibbled on the skin up and down his cock. She sucked the head of his cock deep into her mouth, hollowing her cheeks and putting some pressure on him as he fucked her cunt with his tongue.

  And then she lost all hope of control as Darcy thrust his cock into her cunt from behind. She hadn’t even noticed him moving, but now he was kneeling above them both, and driving deep and fast into her cunt, holding her hips high.

  It didn’t even put Raff off his stride. He was still sucking her clit and his hands were on her breasts, teasing her nipples.

  Hot damn! She could hardly breathe let alone think anymore. Desperately she kept copying his actions, but her hands and mouth had lost their power as her mind was busy trying to cope with the myriad sensations of one man fucking her while the other teased her breasts with his hands and her clit with his mouth.

  Two men. Two men. Everything anyone had ever said about a ménage was right but they could never have even come close to explaining how incredibly intense and passionate it was with two men paying her attention simultaneously.

  She sucked as much of Raff’s delicious cock as she could take into her mouth, trying to please him, trying to demonstrate how very much he pleased her. And then it was all over. Her climax burst inside her as she sucked even harder on Raff, and fortunately he came with her as her body splintered apart under the force of her release. Heat filled her cunt and Darcy groaned, so it was a three-way release once again. Perfect. That was how it always should be, all of them fulfilled in the relationship.

  She wanted to say something but her brain wasn’t capable of forming speech yet, so she let the men turn her around and hold her. That’s where she wanted to be. Safe in their arms forever.

  * * * *

  Raff was nervous about going to the brunch. It seemed the extended Cambrisi family met up for brunch most Sundays in someone or other’s home and there were going to be dozens of people staring at him and wondering who the fuck he was. He’d polished his boots last night before going to the club, but no amount of polish could hide the fact that they were a cheap pair and even though they were relatively new they still didn’t look wonderful. The same with his jeans and they weren’t even new, just clean and without holes. Although distressed and holey would have been trendier he supposed. Well, it was too bad. This was how he was these days and he’d have to take any ostracism or criticism and smile for Violet’s sake.

  At least Darcy was a man who owned his own company. He had some status. Raff had none. Their three vehicles forming a cavalcade, he followed Darcy, who followed Violet out to a large single-family home down by the river. This was one of the nicer neighborhoods in Richmond as it was an easy commute to the heart of the city yet away from the hustle and bustle.

  Except that the minute he stepped out of his truck he heard plenty of noise. Kids screaming and shouting, and adults talking and laughing. He could also smell barbecue and onions cooking. Wasn’t this supposed to be brunch? It smelled like a cookout.

  He walked on one side of Violet, with Darcy on her other side, as she headed around the side of the house and out into the backyard. It was a huge expanse of grass and on it seemed to be maybe forty or fifty people. A group of men stood around a barbecue pit. Some women were putting piles of food on a couple of long tables, and a horde of children were chasing after a dog with a ball in the distance.

  Violet led them across to one of the women and said, “Hi, Sofia. This is Darcy and this is Raphael.”

  The woman smiled and shook hands. “Hi, Darcy, hi, Raphael. Nice to meet you. We don’t stand on ceremony here. Take a plate and help yourself to whatever you want. There’s more beer coming.”

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “Is Lorenzo here? I can’t see him and want to borrow his drink coolers,” asked Violet.

  That’s right. So they could fill the bathtubs to make them into horse troughs.

  “He said he was coming. Likely he’d be here soon.”

  “Thanks, Sofia.”

  “We’ll go and speak to Grandpop while we wait.”

  Oh fuck. I hope the old man doesn’t assassinate me for touching his granddaughter.

  The old man was sitting in a rocking chair strategically placed close enough to the food to make it an easy walk, but not so close he’d get knocked by people lining up to eat. A small boy of perhaps three or four was standing in front of him. “And then the walrus and the unicorn ran away.”

  “That was very sensible of them. Thank you for telling me, Louis.”

  The little boy kissed the old man’s cheek, and left. Mr. Cambrisi was perhaps eighty-five with a fringe of white hair around a central bald patch, and the same blue eyes as his granddaughter. Just like hers, his were bright with interest and intelligence.

  “What was that about, Grandpop?” asked Violet.

  “I have no idea. I expect his mother told him to come and talk to me, which he did. He certainly has a vivid imagination.”

  “Grandpop, this is Darcy Nelson, and this is Raphael Allsop.”

  “The builder and the cowboy. Pleased to mee
t you both. Sit beside me a while.”

  Raff looked around and picked up three lawn chairs no one was using and brought them across, letting Violet arrange then how she wanted to and sitting down last.

  “How are the renovations coming along, Violetta?”

  This was a topic Raff was happy to talk about. Soon the food was ready and people were told to line up and fill their plates. They all got separated in the crowd and by the time Raff had negotiated the line, he looked around to find Violet again. She was talking to a slender, black-haired man. He walked across to her but stood back, giving her privacy for her conversation. Violet beckoned him toward her. “Raff, this is my cousin Lorenzo. The one with the water barrels. Lorenzo, this is Raphael, who looks after Princess and Pedro and helps out with the building work as well.”

  “Horses, horses, horses. Always she talks about these horses. It is good you will care for them, Raphaelo. Otherwise I would worry they might bite and kick her.”

  “The water barrels are for the horses, Lorenzo. We’ve put the old bathtubs in the field to make them a water trough, but I want to borrow your big drink containers to fill them with water, please.”

  “Of course. Why don’t we do that after brunch?”

  With that settled, Violet drifted from group to group of people, and Darcy and Raff went with her. Raff was surprised to find out how much he was enjoying himself. The brunch was completely relaxed. As Violet had said, there was an unending supply of food, plenty of beer and coffee, and good conversation.

  They were sitting once again, in a large group of people, when a small girl with her wrist in a plaster ran into the group holding out a plastic wristband to Lorenzo.

  “What’s that, Bree?” asked a man, who clearly knew the answer and was stirring someone.

  “When I went to the emergency room and they put my wrist in plaster because it’s broken, they put that band on my other wrist. The one that wasn’t broken. But now I’m home again Mommy said I should give it to Uncle Lorenzo because he’s so sad because he hasn’t got one of his own.”

  Everyone was laughing but Lorenzo took the band seriously and said, “Thank you, Bree. You’re a very kind and considerate person.”

  As soon as the little girl left, people laughed louder and harder. One man offered to go get a stapler to fasten the band around his wrist. Another suggested duct-taping it to his hand.

  Raff just looked at Violet. Darcy was staring at her, too.

  “Lorenzo was a premature baby. His family was visiting Kenya and he decided to arrive six weeks early,” she said.

  “He was the only white baby in the hospital,” added an older woman.

  “So they didn’t put a tag on his wrist as there was no chance of confusing him with any of the other newborns,” added Violet.

  “My baby book is the only one in the family without a hospital tag in it from when I was born.” Lorenzo had an aggrieved, hurt tone in his voice, but his black eyes were sparkling so Raff knew this was an old family joke.

  “And now Bree has given you one,” said Darcy.

  But everyone else just laughed louder.

  “He has dozens of them. People give them to him all the time. Likely he has an entire book full of them now,” said the older woman.

  Raff joined in the laughter. This was what family was all about. Traditions and shared stories. Fun and laughter among the whole group as they told and retold the family dramas and jokes. This is what he wanted with Darcy and Violet. A lifetime of laughter and joy that would go on and on forever.

  * * * *

  The week passed very quickly for Darcy. After the brunch they borrowed Lorenzo’s giant drink coolers, filled them with water, wheeled them on their trolleys out into the pastures, and filled the two tubs. Then Violet moved the horses into a new field to let them explore it while he and Raff returned the barrels and the trolleys.

  Each day the house came closer and closer to being finished. The two upstairs bathrooms were completed as was the bedroom that would be Violet’s so she was living in the house now, even though the painting still had to be done and the kitchen wasn’t finalized yet. But with power and water connected, her life was almost normal apart from the construction gear on the first floor and the team of workmen arriving at dawn each day.

  Darcy was really pleased with the way Raff had melded into his crew. He fit perfectly as if he was an original member, always in the right place at the right time, and learning new skills extremely quickly.

  “You could get your trade certificate if you wanted to,” he said to Raff one day.

  “Maybe I will. But I’m happy enough just working for you now.”

  It wasn’t until they were all sitting on the airplane on Friday evening that he thought to ask, “I’m guessing you managed to get those appointments you wanted for tomorrow.”

  “The security people at my old company will have my box of things when I come asking for it and the appointment is set up with the bank. The apartment manager knows I’m coming and what I plan to do as well, so it should all be good. He said likely I can leave it furnished and he’ll rent it out furnished.”

  “That sounds smart,” said Violet.

  “Have you arranged to hire a car while we’re here?” Darcy asked.

  “I can’t do that until I get a new credit card so we’ll have to catch the train. Besides, parking’s a nightmare in New York. Public transportation is much more convenient.”

  I should have thought of that.

  “My suitcase is almost empty so carrying it is no big deal,” added Violet.

  Yes, his was as well. He’d brought the largest one that fit the airline dimension rules so Raff could bring back anything he wanted. His own few things would easily fit in the carry-on bag currently inside the suitcase to come home.

  He didn’t know his way around New York, but Raff led them confidently through Kennedy International Airport and to the Air Train which stopped at each terminal and then took them into the city itself. It was dark now, but the city was brightly lit and full of activity. He had no worries about walking the few blocks to Raff’s apartment, although they kept Violet tucked between them. Raff carried her suitcase, not having brought any luggage of his own.

  Suddenly Darcy really hoped that his apartment was untouched. That no one had burgled it and no squatters had been living there. He wondered if Raff had even asked the apartment manager to check. Maybe he had, but here out on the streets was not the place for such questions. They’d know all the answers soon enough.

  Chapter Seven

  Violet was excited to see what Raff’s former apartment might look like. She knew it was his old life and not what he was now, but she was still fascinated to know the old him so she could tell how he’d changed. She was also well aware it might have been destroyed by vandals or thieves, or simply be inches deep in dust, cobwebs, and stinking of rotted food.

  Among the few things she had packed in her suitcase were a sturdy pair of rubber gloves and a bottle of bleach. She was also prepared to take a stand to go stay in a hotel if the apartment was too disgusting. However, it was the obvious first place for them to go, so Raff could collect his personal documents, even if it was so disgusting she had to wait for him in the apartment building lobby.

  She could feel the tension rolling off him as they walked up to an apartment building and he pressed the buzzer.


  “Raff Allsop. The apartment manager is expecting me.”

  “Look into the camera.”

  “That’s new. I’ve never had to do that before.”

  “You’ve been gone a hell of a long time.”

  The door opened and Raff held it for her to walk through. Darcy was right behind her. They stood in the foyer, which wasn’t very big. There was a long row of mailboxes, a security counter with no one there right now, and two elevators. That was all.

  A man emerged from a room behind the security desk, a ring of keys in his hand. He went over to one of the mailboxes,
unlocked it, and handed Raff a couple of letters then locked the box again. He used his key on one of the elevators as well, and they all went up to the ninth floor. Violet followed the others out of the elevator, noticing how Raff automatically turned left and then left again.

  At Apartment 907 the manager unlocked the door and then stood back. “If your keys aren’t in there, let me know and I’ll give you the spare set. When will you be finished so I can send in a cleaning crew and assess it to know what maintenance needs doing before I can rent the apartment out again?”

  “We’re flying home early Sunday evening so I’d say before lunchtime Sunday,” said Raff.

  “Good, good. I’ll see you then.”

  Raff took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Violet wanted to peek over his shoulder but this was Raff’s apartment. His life. She had to wait her turn. There were no bad smells so that was a positive sign.

  Raff flipped the light switch on and then said, “Be careful you don’t slip over.”

  Slip over? Whatever was on the floor? It was hardly likely to have been polished recently.

  Darcy had his hand on her waist, but she kept her eyes on the floor to watch where she stepped as she entered the apartment. Then she smiled. It seemed that someone had been clearing his mailbox for him and just pushing all the letters under the door. Letters, catalogues, and magazines formed a wide pool around the doorway.

  Violet looked up but there were no cobwebs dangling from the ceiling, and still no bad smells. There certainly was a layer of dust over everything, but that could just as easily have been the result of someone’s lazy housekeeping as the owner having been away for almost two years.

  Violet bent down and began scooping all Raff’s mail into a pile. This was something she could do for him. Sort it into trash, letters, and magazines. It took her several armloads to move it all to the table in his living room and then she sat down and began sorting. Darcy and Raff had both disappeared, leaving the luggage by the door.