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Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 6

  Brunch was different. People tended to invite casual visitors all the time. Everyone liked talking to new people and the event was always very casual. Whoever was hosting it supplied a mountain of food and everyone else supplied the entertainment. Usually just by mingling and talking to each other, although sometimes the children would perform something they’d learned for school like a song or dance. Or something their parents didn’t expect like the time one of them walked up to his mom holding a vibrator and asking what it was. People still talked about that day—well away from the children.

  She hurried back to Grandpop’s and took a long hot shower. Then she spent a lot of time looking at her clothing again, deciding what to wear. But this time she also packed a small bag so she could change for the brunch tomorrow if she did manage to spend the night with the men. The entire time she was bubbling inside with happiness. It wasn’t just that Darcy and Raphael were so very handsome. Well, they were both amazingly good looking. But it was so much more than that. Darcy might be big and bossy but he always listened to her politely, and the work at the farm had been done exactly as she wanted. Everything looked so much better than she’d ever imagined it would. And as for Raff, he was so gentle with the animals. He was really gifted that way. They seemed to understand him and to want to obey him. She loved the horses and was so happy to have them to talk to and to see every day. But with Raff, it was as if they understood each other on an ever deeper level.

  The good news was that he and Darcy seemed to get along really well together, too. She’d thought she was taking a huge risk asking them to share her, to let her experience a ménage with them. But it’d turned out to the best idea she’d ever had. And now, it was really looking as if there was the potential for a relationship with them. Brunch would be the test of that. If they could cope with the noisy chaos of brunch with some of her family, they could cope with anything. And if they found it all too much for them, that didn’t really matter anyway. If she wanted them and they wanted her, she’d make sure it happened.

  She walked into the foyer of The Dom’s Dungeon with a huge smile and waved to the redhead on reception. “Hi, Juliana. Should I meet Raff and Darcy here, or in the Stage Lounge?”

  “Go on through to the Stage Lounge, Violet. I’ll let them know where you are.”

  Violet’s smile got bigger. Hot damn! That sounded as if they were already in the building. Maybe in a dungeon getting it ready for her, or perhaps in one of the bedrooms. She couldn’t wait. She wanted to experience everything. Absolutely everything.

  * * * *

  Rafael really needed this dungeon session with Violet and Darcy. His mind was in turmoil over whether or not to return to New York and reclaim his money and some possessions. He was almost sorry he’d learned he had money. Although it was amazing to learn the little game he’d designed had done so well. He hadn’t thought about it in the almost two years since he’d left New York. Actually, he’d scarcely thought about it in the months before he left either. He’d designed it, tested it, and sold it, then had promptly been immersed in something else.

  But after his shower this evening, he’d stared at his clean jeans and freshly polished boots and wished again that he had some nicer clothing to wear. That was twice in a week he’d had such ideas. Ideas that hadn’t crossed his mind since he’d left the high-pressure life. If he’d been able to, he’d have raced straight out to withdraw just enough money for new jeans, a new shirt, and new boots.

  But of course it wouldn’t happen like that. He’d have to visit the bank in opening hours with a passel of documents to prove his identity. No, it was clear. If he wanted the money he had to go back to his old apartment and fetch proper ID. And if he did that he ought to collect his things from his former workplace, and empty out his apartment, and terminate the lease, and stop all the automatic deductions from his account as well.

  So, how important was the money to him? Was it going to be worth all that trouble?

  I’m not going to think about it anymore tonight. I’m only going to think about Violet.

  Darcy had suggested he arrive a little early tonight, and as soon as he gave his name to the redheaded woman on the reception desk at the club, she told him to go to Dungeon Three. Darcy was already there and had explained what he planned to do and what Raff’s role would be in each step of the scenario they’d enact. Raff’s dick was harder than a spike. Everything sounded very good to him and he’d finally get to play properly with the flogger. He tucked it in the back pocket of his jeans, ready to use.

  Darcy locked the dungeon door and they both walked up the stairs to the main level. Violet was sitting at a small table in the Stage Lounge, facing them, wearing what appeared to be a trench coat, belted tightly, and red stiletto heels. Raff stopped moving, staring at her. Could she be naked under that coat? It was almost like something out of a movie, but she had an aura of excitement about her and he thought maybe…

  “Damn. I always said she was a pushy woman.” To Raff, Darcy sounded breathy, almost hoarse. That was pretty much how he felt, too.

  “Do you think she’s…I mean really?”

  “Yes. Yes, I do. She’s just the kind of woman who would push that hard.”

  Raff followed Darcy over to Violet’s table and slid into a chair, grabbing the jug of ice water and pouring himself a large glass. Just looking at her, thinking about her, was making him very hot and thirsty.

  “Are you ready to come into the dungeon with us now?” Darcy asked Violet.

  “Hell, yes.”

  “Well, let’s go.” Darcy, who hadn’t sat down, turned on his heel and marched back out the door. Damn. Raff gulped his water, only just stifling the urge to cough, and followed Violet, who’d leaped to her feet after Darcy.

  Raff’s throat was itching, but he refused to cough. He needed that cold water to penetrate his body so he didn’t combust before it was the correct time. As he followed Violet down the stairs, he couldn’t help but watch the subtle swaying of her ass against the tight coat. He knew she was likely doing it on purpose, but his gaze was glued to her ass and no amount of determination could make him lift his eyes any higher. He’d touched that ass and knew it was perfection. Tonight he would be fucking her cunt. Twice. Once with the dildo and then with his cock. Unless he exploded with lust first, of course.

  Darcy stopped at the door to Dungeon Three and turned to face Violet. She’d been right behind him and had to stop fast. Raff thought he looked quite fierce all in black with his arms crossed over his chest and a stern look on his face.

  “What is your safe word?” Darcy asked Violet.

  “Um. Er. Um… Cavallo.”

  “What does that mean?” Darcy sounded a little suspicious, but Raff could guess the meaning because of its similarity to some other words and because he knew enough about Violet to make it a logical word for her to pick off the top of her head.

  “It’s Italian for horse.”

  “Oh, I get it. Like cavalry.”


  Raff was still behind her and could only see her back view, but he could hear the smile in her voice.

  “Stand in the middle of the dungeon, hands by your sides, feet shoulder-width apart, eyes looking at the floor.”

  “What is this, elementary school?”

  Raff shook his head. That was totally the wrong answer. Maybe she wasn’t ready for a dungeon scene at all yet.

  “Do you want to play in the dungeon or not? You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. We can go upstairs, have a meal, or just go home if you’d prefer,” said Darcy.

  Raff’s mind was screaming, “No, no, no.” He wanted, needed, to hold her in his arms and fuck her.

  “I do want to play in the dungeon, but I want to experience the toys. I don’t need the standing around and the mind games. I’m happy for you to be the dungeon boss and I’m glad you both know what to do so it can be done properly. But can’t we skip all the waiting parts?”

  Darcy unlocked the door a
nd said, “Let’s talk in private.”

  Once they’d entered the room, Darcy locked the door and leaned against it. Raff took a couple of paces forward into the room and then turned so he could look at both Darcy and Violet simultaneously as she formed the third point of their rather unequal triangle.

  Was their evening about to end now? Hell, was their entire fucking relationship, such as it was, about to come crashing down around his ears?

  * * * *

  Well fuck. I didn’t think I’d need to explain the basic facts to Violet before we could begin the session. But then, I’ve always known she was pushy, impatient. I suppose I ought to have guessed that impatience was an intrinsic part of her.

  “Violet, when you watch a soccer match, which game do you find more exciting? One when one team wins 9:0 or one where it ends as a 1:1 draw?”

  “Huh? What? The draw I suppose.”

  “And why is that?”

  “I thought we came here for sex, not soccer.”

  “We’re here to talk about dungeon play and sex. Just answer the question.”

  She frowned at him but he kept his face stern.

  “The draw is more exciting because no one knows what the result will be until the siren sounds. Everyone is hoping their team will score the winning goal right until the last moment. With the other match, even if my team wins, I know the two sides aren’t equally matched and there’s no real honor in the win, and not as much excitement in the game. But what has that got to do with us now?”

  Ah yes. It wouldn’t be Violet if she didn’t push him as well as answering his question.

  “In the dungeon everyone knows what is going to happen. The sub is going to be handcuffed, or maybe restrained in some other way. Then she’ll be spanked, or punished with some of the toys, and then she’ll have her orgasm. It’s a set pattern that both the Dom and the sub clearly understand. The real excitement and tension comes from the sub not knowing exactly what or when. When she’s blindfolded and waiting, she wonders continually if he’s about to touch her. It’s the waiting and the wondering that adds the excitement.”

  “But I don’t know if you’re about to whip me or paddle me or blindfold me. It is exciting already.”

  “Today it is. But what about next time? There are only six dungeons. If we meet up regularly you’ll very soon know what toys I tend to use in which dungeon. So the minute you walk inside you’ll think to yourself, ‘He’ll use the St. Andrew’s Cross,’ and then there’ll be no more thrill for you. It’s the waiting and the wondering that enhance the experience and make everyone want to continue playing.”

  “Well, fuck. I hadn’t thought about it like that before.”

  Darcy wanted to wiggle his shoulders and release some tension but he didn’t dare. He needed to maintain the image of the stern Dom until she’d consented to play. “Does this mean you agree to abide by the rules of the dungeon?”

  “Yeah, okay. I want to do this so I guess I have to play by the rules. No cheating. Hot damn, that’s unfair. I haven’t played a game without cheating since I was six years old.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me.” Darcy hid his grin at Raff’s comment. It shouldn’t surprise him either. His pushy woman wasn’t the best at following instructions.

  “In that case, undress and wait in the center of the dungeon, hands behind your back, head down, feet shoulder-width apart.”

  She was smart. She noticed the changes in his directions but she didn’t say anything, just unbelted the trench coat and dropped it where she stood. Underneath she wasn’t naked, but she might as well have been. The miniscule bra and even smaller thong she was wearing matched her red stilettos. What surprised him though, was the way she stood on one leg and lifted the other leg up high to unbuckle her shoe. He’d have expected her to bend over, or to lean against the wall, but she did neither. She did turn her back when she removed her bra and thong though. Neither he nor Raff got to see her naked breasts and cunt as she walked across to the middle of the room as instructed.

  Well damn. She’d outwitted him in the end anyway! What a woman. His woman.

  * * * *

  Violet did her best to wait patiently in the center of the dungeon. It wouldn’t particularly surprise her if Darcy made her wait longer than ever just because she’d complained. But in a way she supposed he was right. Her grandpop had told her a million times that life was all about the journey, not the ending, and she knew he was right. But damn, it was hard to wait for something she wanted now and knew was coming.

  Darcy came and stood in front of her but she knew better than to look up until he told her she could.

  “The scene begins now, sub. You may not speak except to answer a direct question or to call your safe word. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “If you use your safe word the scene will end immediately and not resume. Do you understand?”

  Of course she understood. She wasn’t stupid. But perhaps he just wanted to be absolutely certain. Something to do with his duty of care. “Yes, Master.” She let a hint of a groan enter her voice, though, to show the question wasn’t needed.

  He walked to the side of the dungeon and picked up a metal pole. “Come here.”

  Intrigued she stood where he said. He nudged her feet wider apart with his booted foot, and then kneeled down.

  Aha. It’s a spreader bar. Sure enough he buckled her ankles, one at each end of it, forcing her legs to remain wide apart.

  Then he took her hair, holding it in one hand while he made it into a high ponytail. Now she was totally confused. Her hair wasn’t long. It wouldn’t get in the way of whatever he planned to do, so why put it in a ponytail? She remained still, and watched without moving her head as he pulled a wire down from the ceiling of the dungeon. Then she could feel as his fingers attached the wire to the elastic band he’d tied around her hair.

  “Wait there, sub,” he said and stepped backward out of her vision.

  She didn’t move much. In fact she was hardly aware she’d moved at all, but the wire tugged on her hair. Startled, she tipped her head backward to look at it more clearly and now it yanked hard on her hair.

  Hot damn! The wire was fixed somehow. Even though Darcy had pulled it down from the roof it didn’t have any more give in it and whenever she moved her head it tugged on her hair. So now she had a choice. Stand completely still or risk her hair being pulled out by the roots. Fucking hell. That was a nasty trick to play on her. And she just knew he’d make her wait until she was ready to scream with impatience.

  Darcy did leave her standing there for a while, but it wasn’t as long as she’d feared he might make her wait. She was forced to move her body just fractionally, enough so her hair felt tangled by the wire, not so much it was really pulled hard. Violet wished she could ease her legs, maybe lift her feet up from the ground a little to relax some of her muscles, but with the spreader bar that wasn’t possible of course.

  Then Raff was standing in front of her, holding the flogger she’d seen last time. The one that had a dildo instead of a handle. He held the flogger where she could watch his hands without lifting her head up completely, and then he stroked the handle, smoothing his fingers over it, running his index finger up and down it exactly the way he’d rubbed that finger up and down her sternum last time. She knew he was doing it on purpose, so she’d remember.

  After a while he reversed the flogger and trailed the strands up and over her skin, making her shiver—until her hair was pulled again—with the light, barely there, teasing touches of the strands. Raff stroked it gently over her shoulders and across her breasts. Violet had to work really hard not to thrust her breasts up into his touch. She wanted a lot more than just that delicate pass over her skin.

  When the whip landed on her ass, she bounced forward, almost losing her balance because of the fucking spreader bar, and jamming her head backward really fast to try to prevent a chunk of hair being ripped out of her scalp. She forced herself to remain still as
the whip landed hard across her butt again and again. The strokes were damn hard but she noticed each one was slightly lower on her ass than the previous one. That proved Darcy was a damn competent Dom and also a caring one. Her ass was going to look like she’d sat on a hot grill tonight, though, she was sure of that.

  And then Raff was teasing her pussy lips with the fronds of the flogger, his touch almost imperceptible, right at the outer edges of her senses when what she really wanted was him thrusting that dildo up inside her, stretching her wide, and him fucking her hard.

  Having the two of them working on her like this was driving her wild with desire. Every time she thought she could deal with what one of them was doing, the other did something different. Raff was intentionally demanding she give all her attention to him so she didn’t miss the tiny pleasures he gave her. Whereas Darcy was bold and strong behind her, hard and dominant, yet still making her want more of him as well.

  Together they were a devastating team and pretty soon she was going to end up bald trying to make them give her the release she really needed.

  Darcy freed her hair from the wire, and she was just about to shake her head and relax her neck muscles when he said, “Grasp your ankles with both hands.”

  Well fuck. That wasn’t what she’d had in mind to do next. She bent over as instructed. Fortunately she was quite flexible. As a child, she’d been one of the few kids in her gym class who could place her palms flat on the floor without bending her knees. But somehow she knew that this wasn’t going to be like any gym class she’d ever attended.

  Sure enough Raff began teasing her again, this time petting the backs of her knees and her upper thighs. At least now she could permit her body to shiver with anticipation without worrying about losing half her hair. Damn, that had been a sneaky trick.